Left to Right: Effie, Roscoe, Hallie, and Hazel Riddell, children of Elisha and Ada Winkler Riddell Who's my family? Flesher Line: Flesher , Gray, Kerr , Kirkpatrick , Lasure, McFadden, Sasser, Spurgeon, Van Horn Thomas Line: Barbary, Bird/Byrd, Boian/Bowen, Dillingham, Eubanks, Finney, Harris, Holliday, Jacks, Logsdon/Logston, Mercier, Miller, Mills, Park/Parke/Parks , Rawlins/Rawlings, Richardson, Thomas , Wagers , Widener Riddell Line: Asbell, Bryant, Coyle, Dudley, Hiatt, Kirby, Lewis, Rice, Riddle/Riddell, Rucker, Smith x 3, Winkler. There's some new stuff. Wanda got a new GEDCOM file to me with new Thomas info (which can also be veiwed from the web, and there are some stories about the Wagers. There are also a bunch of pictures of the Wagers and Fleshers and several other lines, which I've scanned in, but haven't put on the pages yet, so be looking for them. --Bec...